In the third world and to lesser degree in the industrialized countries all over the world there are people, who claim that they can treat everything  with some special methods and their fantasy is wide as the sky. A Syrian "doctor" claiming by doing these two vertical incisions, as seen in the picture in the dorsal plane of each foot can heel not only this LCS, but all pathologies starting from A down to Z and my be other letters still missing to our knowledge. The patient was operated after progression of her symptoms and she is recovering her neurological deficit.

 This young 25 years old gentleman with confirmed Beker's muscular dystrophy with elevated CPK up to 2309 units and muscle biopsy performed 1999 with thorough studies of the immunostaining and typical picture of pseudomusclar hypertrophy of the calf muscles and general weakness of four limbs also was treated by the same above mentioned doctor by the same method as noted in the picture. The patient condition still progressing and the patient was advised to be under the follow-up of physiotherapy for orthotic devices to improve his walking.

